We’ve developed these guidelines to maintain the professional level of Pizza Expo and enhance the experience of all who exhibit and attend. We thank you for following these rules and helping to uphold our standards of excellence.
- The Expo is for the Trade only. Individuals must document their direct, professional Trade affiliation to be admitted.
- Buyers, for convenience and savings, please register in advance.
- Please note that only major credit cards are accepted for payment of onsite registration fees. Cash will not be accepted.
- No one under the age of 16 will be allowed on the exhibit floor. Proof of age will be required.
- Luggage carts, wheeled cases of any kind and strollers are not allowed on the exhibit floor at any time.
- No smoking in any area of the Las Vegas Convention Center.
- Permission must be granted by the exhibitor before taking any photographs of their product or display.
- For the protection of all participants, we reserve the right to revoke the badge and Pizza Expo privileges of anyone exhibiting inappropriate behavior.